Friday, May 7

We lost our baby dog Rosa today. She was bleeding internally from eating something and they couldn't save her. Sean is very upset. He wants to bury her at my mothers so I am driving up to Atlanta tomorrow to bury her and then back up on Monday for the biometrics appointment. Since we are putting the house on the market in two weeks and he is going to stay with my Mom, it is giving him some peace that he will be able to visit her grave.

Rosa memories: when she wanted attention she would get on her hind feet and put her front legs up like a meerkat. She loved to burrow under blankets and would stay there for hours. Her 11 pound dachshund self would play with our 90 pound lab mix and lead him on a chase all over the house. She loved dog treats and would dance around and paw at the floor to get one. Her hair was wonderfully silky and we could sit and pet her for hours. She didn't like to be carried, probably because her back was so long. She liked to perch along the top of couches and chairs just like Snoopy. We had her for 8 years and never could get her completely house trained! She would wait outside my bedroom door and as soon as it was opened would run inside and jump on the bed under the blankets hoping I wouldn't notice and she could sleep with me. When I would leave in the morning she would go and wait outside of Sean's room until he woke up. She loved everyone to pet her but would be timid at first. She really loved children more than adults.

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